
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Man   Part 1  Sometime in the distant past there was an elderly person, an elderly person, and a young man. One morning the elderly person made some gingerbread looking like a man. She added icing for his hair and garments, and little masses of batter for his nose and eyes. At the point when she put him in the broiler to heat, she said to the young man, "You watch the gingerbread man while your granddad and I go out to work in the nursery." So the elderly person and the elderly person went out and started to burrow potatoes, and passed on the young man to tend the stove. Be that as it may, he began to wander off in fantasy land, and didn't watch everything of the time. Out of nowhere he heard a commotion, and he turned upward and the broiler entryway busted open, and out of the stove bounced a gingerbread man, and went moving along end over end towards the entryway of the house. The young man rushed to close the entryway, yet the gingerbread man was excess